Telehealth Sessions


Dr. Khalsa offers telehealth visits for patients who would like to see her, but are not located in New Mexico. Whether you’re experiencing specific symptoms that you’d like to address holistically or ready to take your health to a new level, you can schedule a one-time visit or a series of video calls. Dr. Khalsa meets you where you are currently and will help you develop a plan to meet your health goals.

What you’ll get in the initial visit:


  • Video call visit
  • Discussion of your history and how it may correlate with your current health challenges
  • Dr. Khalsa’s assessment based on your history, current symptoms, medical records
  • Discussion on how you want to proceed with your plan and set goals
  • Plan for supplement and herbal protocol
  • Links for ordering your supplements with Dr. Khalsa 
  • If needed, plan for which practitioners you can work with in your area
  • Plan for any changes in your food and lifestyle


Ready to schedule your Appointment?