You may have (or not) noticed that I haven’t put a ‘Health Tip’ out for a couple of weeks. The reason for that is that I’ve decided to consciously have fun everyday.  Through all of the reading, meditating, and talking with folks, I have realized that today is the day.  I cannot look toward next week, month, or year anymore thinking that will be the time when fun starts.  Every moment is a precious gift that will not be given back.  I have decided that I must either change my perception, change my obligations, or add things into my life that I love.  I’m doing a little of each.  What I’m finding is that my priorities are changing.  My physical, mental, and spiritual bodies are taking the forefront.  I’m having more impromptu art projects with my daughter, playing games with friends and family, and laughing a lot. The result: I look forward to the day. 

My Challenge to you:

If you feel like you could add some more fun into your life, choose one of the three following:

  1. Decide that everything that you do for the day is going to be an adventure. Smile through your day (it’s impossible to feel bad with a smile on one’s face)
  2. Add one unique event into your day. ie: call a friend just for fun, take a walk at the park, watch a funny show to laugh Try this for 40 days and see how you feel!
  3. Delete one obligation from your day that you really don’t have to or want to do.  I’ve been doing this a lot.  Don’t add something else because you ‘have more time’. It’s really ok to sit and stare out the window, guilt-free

Try one of these or a combination of any of these for 40 days and see how you feel.

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