June is birthday month in our home and gosh darn, do I love birthdays!

I love that we get to beam tons of love onto the birthday person and fill them up with joy, gifts, cake and icecream, songs and good cheer. I honestly believe that we celebrate people so that we can blast them with good juju to take on the coming year with a full heart. 

I use birthdays and other contrived or official holidays to bring people together and use them as opportunities to pull in all the love, joy and laughter that comes with good cheer. I believe we all need this. Whether it’s through a birthday, holiday, a special day of self-care, having a great chat over tea with a good friend, we all need lots of strings of moments to bring in the warm fuzzies.

If you’re not familiar with that term, here you go (this is my definition, as I don’t think it’s officially in the dictionary). Warm fuzzies: noun or verb indicating an action or experience where one feels a glow and warmth in their heart that sends signals throughout the brain and body that results in a feeling of euphoria and joy. 

I thrive on the warm fuzzies. I know you do too, which is why I wanted to remind you, especially in this huge time of uncertainty, fear, and hopelessness. I hear it from so many of you, as we’re working and talking. I feel it around me. And you know what? Staying in those emotions of fear, anger and hopelessness is NOT good for your health, and it’s not good for anyone around you. 

If you take Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh and how he’s always just sort of having a rough time? He has a grey cloud that follows him, he walks with his head down, his regular MO is to discuss how badly everything is going. And then it sort of sucks everyone around him into feeling badly for him and they, themselves feel like they should be down with him so that they feel like they’re part of the pity party. 

Like attracts like. We pull in and bring others to our resonance, whether it’s uplifting or going in a downward spiral. Why not create sunshine and rainbows around you? Honestly, it’s better for your health and for those around you. 

If you can take a moment right now to stop, close your eyes and feel where your energy is being held in your body. (if you want me to lead you through this exercise, jump down to my video and I’ll guide you through all of this so you can relax into it).

Are you feeling it in your head? Your face? Your heart? Your pelvis? Maybe your knee is hurting and all of your attention is being held there. Wherever you’re feeling it, just notice it. 

Next step: notice the quality of the feeling. Is it light? Dark? Moving? Is it moving slowly or quickly? Do you feel a glow? A heaviness? Does it make you feel alive or is it pulling you down?

This is an exercise in getting to know your body. It’s important for your health because your health follows the feelings you hold. Most often, we experience a feeling and we don’t know what it is, how to acknowledge it or what to do with it.

Ninety percent of our thoughts and feelings we experience throughout the day are what we would consider ‘negative’ feelings. These are ones like anger, guilt, hatred, fear, resentment, hopelessness, disappointment that go round and round in our heads and then get stored somewhere in our body because we can’t or don’t know how to deal with them. But then too many of those negative feelings, built up over a lifetime, sit there and act like a magnet for more unresolved negative feelings. 

What we want to do is to transmute those negative feelings into the warm fuzzies. While you may not know every single feeling and emotion that’s been stored away for a rainy day, what you probably know is what that warm glow in your heart feels like. Think back to something recent or distant that still makes you laugh or smile…..one of those memories that fills you with joy.

Can you bring one up? Take a minute if you need to…I know you’ve got one in there:

  • Watching your dog chase a ball and return it to you with a smile
  • Having your child run up to give you a hug with big, open arms and heart
  • A good party with all of your best friends, laughing all evening
  • A beautifully prepared meal
  • A rainbow after a fabulous rain
  • ……and there’s lots more, but wanted to give you some fuel for thought in case you’re having a hard time conjuring up heart-warming memory

The best and most powerful way to heal yourself is to bring in those warm fuzzies…..for as long and as often as you can. If you can sit with the warm thoughts and memories and feel that glow in your heart, you’re on your way to self-healing!

This is what I create in my office environment so that anyone who comes here feels a sense of calm, upliftment and sanctuary.  I try my very best to do this in the conversations we have.

I practice it in my treatments….which some of you may not know…..that Chiropractic adjustments and Craniosacral Therapy help to root out the negative blocks that get caught up in the nervous system so that hearts can glow. This is what I ultimately focus on when folks come in for adjustments: the heart glow. I know that when people get up from a treatment and they’re relaxed, with a small smile on their face, I know the healing has started. 

You have the power within you to make positive changes. Remember this! You are NOT a victim of your circumstances, your upbringing, genetics or your body. You have the tools to make the changes. Right now. 

Always in healing, 

Dr. Arjan

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