This week’s tip is short, sweet and straightforward.

We’ve travelled down ‘Healing Anxiety Lane’ over these past few months. We’ve gone through foods to add to your diet, those to work on leaving behind. I’ve commented on looking closely at your lifestyle and those aspects of your life that may be contributing to higher stress levels and considering how you might make some changes to help you heal those feelings of anxiousness.

This week, I wanted to suggest some herbs and supplements, that, in my opinion and personal experience, have been shown to heal the nervous system and allow for that HPA (Hypothalmus-Pituitary-Adrenal) Axis to slow down its’ response to stress.

I don’t like giving specific dosages because you’re a unique individual with your own set of health challenges, biochemistry, unique shape and size, genetics and medications/herbs that you’re on. I’m going to suggest some things, and then you consult with your healthcare practitioner about the ‘dosages’ for your own unique-ness.

You may also consult your doctor about blood tests to look for food allergens, leaky gut (to make sure you’re absorbing all of the nutrient that you take in), and Vitamin D levels. There are great saliva collection kits available for you to test your adrenal levels, DHEA, Cortisol and hormones so that your doctor can give you the correct herbs/supplements to help you with your specific health challenge.

For supporting your adrenals and nervous system, make sure you’re taking:

  • Vitamin D
  • B Complex
  • Adrenal Support
  • Magnesium

I always recommend buying supplements and herbs from good sources like your neighborhood health food store or practitioner to get the best quality available.

I’ve literally had people come to me in the middle of experiencing anxiety, and I have them take the above-mentioned supplements, and they’ve experienced some relief within the hour.

And lastly, I really do have to mention here that life is hard. There’s so much pressure and information coming at us from all sides. Give yourself a weekly, bi-weekly or montly ‘stay-cation’ by getting a Chiropractic/ Craniosacral Therapy session, a massage, some Acupuncture, body work….whatever feels good and nurturing for you.

Your body is a machine and it requires daily and weekly maintenance. Supplementing your diet with good nutrition, getting those ‘kinks’ worked out of your nervous system through one of the above-mentioned modalities, stretching, yoga, mindfulness are all important to maintain health and vitality.

Make yourself your priority!!!! You’re worth it!

Always, in healing, 
Dr. Arjan