Winter is one of my favorite times of year. Where I live, it gets cold, but we enjoy sunshine and blue skies, with the occassional snow storm. I love the change of light, the shorter days, the time to get quiet and go deep within. I feel that being in tune with the season, allows each of us to connect more deeply with our inner nature.
While I’ve had too-numerous-to-count roller coaster rides this past 9 months, I’ve found so many ways to keep my heart at peace. I wanted to share some of these with you, as you move into the holiday season.
Your budget may be a bit tighter these days or maybe you’re living in a place where the quarantine is strict now and you’re not able to connect with friends or family during the holidays. These tips I’m sharing are absolutely free, and you don’t have to go too far from your front door to keep your spirits up.
1. Stay connected to inspiring programming. Whatever you’re enjoying, remember that it will affect your subconscious mind. If you want to find your happy place, even if it’s just for a few hours, find programming that makes you laugh, opens your heart, or inspires you. My friend turned me on to ‘Uplift TV’. It’s free and beautiful! I’ve been enjoying short videos that bring on a smile and inspire me.
2. Laugh everyday. Even if I’m forcing myself to laugh harder than the situation or comment calls for, I exaggerate my laugh response. Laughing will help lighten the tension because you’re releasing endorphins into your body. It’s pretty impossible to stay sad when you laugh.
3. Get moving. Whether you’ve got a forest in your backyard or you’re in a city appartment, there are ways to get yourself moving. Find a good youtube dance video, jump up and down, climb your stairs, go out for a walk, ice skate, take a bike ride, or a swim (if you’re somewhere oh-so-lucky).
4. Enjoy a cup of herbal tea. There are hundreds of plant-based teas on the market (or have fun and make your own….like I showcased in one of my posts this summer!). The plant world has an incredible amount of healing to offer we humans. Not only do the plants and flowers lend their healing capabilities, the warmth it brings to your heart and soul is inexplicable. I love ‘Yogi Tea’, ‘Celestial Seasonings’, ‘The Replubic of Tea’, and so many others.
5. Meditate. When you meditate, you’re giving yourself time to center your thoughts, slow your breath, and to find your own inner strength and solace. I find meditation, above all else, has saved my life. Literally. We all get so busy and wrapped up in what’s going on in the world and forget that we all have our own world within that can be even more intriguing than the outter one. If you’re new to the meditation game, I would recommend starting with a guided medtation you can find on Spotify, Youtube or itunes…or following along with one of my live classes on Facebook.
6. Call someone. Whether it’s a friend, family member or a hotline, getting support and being able to laugh, cry, and vent is uber important. While I’m sure you love your partner, children and the others that you live with, having an ‘outsider’ to connect with will give a bigger, different perspective. Or sometimes, they’re just going to validate what you’re feeling and going through, and that, in itself can take the weight of the world off your shoulders.
So there you have it! These are my keys to success and to keeping a happy heart, even when things get hard. And it’s really ok to keep telling yourself that old adage…’this too shall pass’…. one way or another.
I wish you and yours the sweetest of holidays this year…however that ends up being for you. Whether you’re going to be solo this year or holed up with your household, just know that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, and it’s ok.
Dr. Arjan

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