Happy holidays to you, friend…..
How are you doing? Really, how ARE you doing?
Whether you’ve got holiday music blasting as you drive to work with reindeer antlers attached to the roof of your car and a wreath wired to the front grill or you’re choosing to ignore that the holidays even exist, I hope that you enjoy your time, however you choose to spend it. My hope is that you’re able to remain intentional with your time and energy and do whatever feeds your soul.
This time of year can be wonderfully festive or downright dismal, for some of you. As people move off and on my treatment table, I hear various ways you all choose to celebrate, or not. Personally, I choose to embrace the festivities, and I enjoy the quiet contemplation that shorter days and colder nights brings (I know some of you are in the southern hemisphere, so don’t mean to exclude you here….you’re probably lying in the sun, enjoying a cold herbal tea at this time of year).
My 18 year-old insisted that we put up the tree and decorate, and I can’t say ‘no’ to that. Even though I wasn’t feeling the holiday spirit, I went through the motions of it all last week, while all I wanted to do was lie on the couch with my latest book. By five o’clock that evening, I ended up being the one to painstakingly set up the Christmas puzzle (not my favorite one, and not the one I chose) while she sat acoss from me, bent over her phone. And now I’m stuck, this season, with a puzzle I don’t like, most likely doing it alone…..In fairness, the house looks fun and festive, and I love the lights and the colors and sparkles that warm the dark evenings.
This year, I’ve resolved that this season is NOT going to be all about the presents. As much as I love giving and receiving gifts, my budget and energy would prefer that I move more quietly, more slowly, over these next several weeks. Every year, I end up getting caught up in collecting, re-buying, packing, delivering gift boxes, bags and goodies, and the stress and pressure of it all consumes most of December, which I don’t like. Does this sound familiar?
Instead, this year, I’m choosing to have slower mornings, longer walks, deeper sleep, laughter, nourishing food and drink, and good connections with the people I love. This time of year, according to nature, suggests a time of slumber, stillness, deepening, healing, rest.
In moving with the rhythm of the world around me, which goes against the human-made world around us, this busy-ness, this constant push and grind, is against the natural world. Because, whether we like it or not, we really are ruled by the natural world….the sun and the moon, the cycles of the seasons.
Our human-made world is designed to keep us moving onwards-and-upwards……ALWAYS. We literally never have that rest time anymore. When I was young, most stores and restaurants were closed on Sundays. I recently saw that one of our local cafes announce that they’re going to start closing on Sundays for their staff to have a day of rest, and I wholly support that. I feel that with more stores being closed, it gives the permission for the rest of us to NOT be out-and-about and to have some rest time.
Rest is uber important for so many reasons: to repair your energy system, to let your brain settle into itself and not be thinking and problem solving constantly and to allow SPACE. We need space to regroup and re-energize.
As we move into the deep winter to ‘lay your head on the pillow for a long winter’s night’, I would love to share with you my favorite podcasts, books, and movies from 2024. Hopefully, during the holiday, you can take some time to snuggle down into your sofa with your cup of hot chocolate, a good fire and a loved one to read, watch or listen some of these.
My favorite podcasts from 2024
My favorite books from 2024The Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger While I’ve been trying to read this book for about 6 years, and I’m reading a few pages at a time, this book is proving to shine some light on the state of ‘healthcare’ in the US and how it got to be where it is today. I feel this is a helpful guide to navigating any health condition and offering up other options than the traditional medical route made almost solely available for chronic illnesses Sage Warrior by Valarie Kaur. Written by one of our amazing family friends, attorney, activist and social activist, Valarie has also written See No Stranger. In all of her writing, she focuses on the qualities of humanity that we all share, regardless of religion or ethnicity. This book brings solace to my soul, when I find myself overwhelmed by the injustices in the world. The Taxidermist’s Daughter by Kate Mosse. This is a murder mystery novel that I picked up recently. I just loved the cover and I love murder mysteries. There were a couple of gruesome scenes in it (spoiler alert), but it was a true page-turner….I forwent a few nights of WATCHING my murder mysteries to read this instead. I know these are all over the place, but you’ve got to have fun, learning and take-you-away stories to read, right?
That’s my wrap-up for this year folks! Thanks for following along with me this year! It’s truly been an honor walking alongside you for all the twists-and-turns life has brought in 2024.
I truly believe that, when we have people around us (near or far), that life is just lived better. We NEED each other. Life reflects itself in the relationships that we have. They reflect on how we live our lives, for better or worse.
To be in the world, means that we’re inter-dependent. Whether you like being a loner or are the life of the party, we each need to have a few people who help us along the way.
Make sure you have your tribe…..the people you feel the most authentic self with.
I’m personally reconnecting with the people that I feel the best with. I love lots of people, but the folks that I can let my hair down, see me as I am and love me unconditionally, those are my people.
Do you have a few people in your life that you can do that with friend? I hope so.
And along the way, thanks for sharing a tea with me and for taking time out of your busy life to create some good in the world. A bit of peace. A bit of space. A bit of quiet.
I appreciate you.
I’ll see you next year for more quick health tips to add to your life today to create a better, more peaceful life for all.
Check out my latest yoga video on Youtube! Give yourself a pause in your day and enjoy some good self-care
Let’s work together right now! Here’s how:
Herbal Supplements I Trust: I’m here to support you every step of the way towards a healthier, happier you. One of the ways to help you is to get the right supplements. Here are some of the supplements that I recommend. Telehealth Sessions: For a number of reasons, meeting with me online might feel more supportive to you at the moment. My books are currently open for telehealth sessions where I can support you in reading your medical charts, finding solutions to your plaguing health issues, or providing alternative holistic support.
Featured Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

Always in healing,
Dr. Arjan