New year. New opportunities. New mindset. New you.

Everyday brings the chance to do you all over again.

I’m not sure how these past 2 years have been going for you, but I’ve been waaaaaay out of my normal eating patterns. 

Sugar. Yes please. 

Bread. Bring it on.

That croissant aux amande from Saturday morning farmer’s market downtown followed by a lavendar latte at Castle Coffee with my 20 year old son (yes, the coffee shop that was featured in ‘Breaking Bad’)….my favorite weekly ritual. 

Now it’s time to tone it down and get real. Or rather, tone it down with the inflammatory non-health foods.

All of the above-mentioned foods lead to inflammation, which leads to pain, lowered immune systems, coronary issues and SO much more. Sleep issues, anxiety, gut problems, joint pain, hormonal imbalances, auto-immune diseases… name it, it’s highly likely you can trace that back to inflammation.

Inflammation is a reaction to stress….either physical, emotional, mental or chemical stressors that ignite your body’s defense mechanism. It’s great when there’s a bug or you need to run away from a crazy dog, but when the food you’re eating 3 times a day, 7 days a week consists of foods like cheese, bread, sugar (yes, those darn sandwiches, pasta, pints of ice cream strike again!), your body doesn’t get to take a break and goes into hyperdrive. It’s like you’re in constant stress mode.

I liken it to when you’re in the ocean and a wave knocks you down and just when you’re coming up for air, another one comes and knocks you under. And then another and another. After the 5th one, you’re gasping for air and getting pretty tired. 

It’s nice to give your body a break. Kind of like when you go on vacation for a week or two. You come back feeling refreshed, revitalized and ready to start anew. Taking a break from inflammatory foods gives your body that break to face life again.

Me, my family and a few of my friends are starting the ‘Whole30’ diet this week. 

This system is based on eating all whole foods….fruit, veggies, meat, eggs, nuts and seeds. That’s it. 

No sugar. No dairy. No grains (not even quinoa). 

I felt like I needed this to break the cravings, the habits and the unconscious grabs in the pantry for the nearest packaged snack. 

I want to continue the healing journey of the sleep challenges, the fibroid and the anxiety that I’ve been working with for years. This is the next step for me. 

If you’re ready for a ‘re-set’ consider joining us, from the comfort of your home and in your own time and your own way. Maybe you want to eliminate sugar for a month. Or maybe it’s the bread? Or the milk, cheese, and ice cream? Whatever is the ‘Oh, I can’t live without my _______’  is probably the thing you may want to consider taking a break from.

If you’re interested, here’s the link to the book: ‘Whole30

I happened to pick mine up at a thrift store because I had so many of my friends who had done it last year with amazing results, and I was curious. 

…And if you want some extra coaching support, I’m launching my health and life coaching practice and invite you to give me a try.

I can help you with:

  • Identifying where you can make some beneficial changes in your diet to improve health and vitality

  • Supporting food changes to decrease pain and inflammation

  • Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to change your belief system to support you on your health journey

  • and so much more… are unique and you deserve a tailored plan for your own biology and lifestyle.

If you’re ready to make those changes, I’d love to work with you! Schedule your appointment today.

As always, I love hearing your feedback.

I love hearing that these emails are making a difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for being a part of my health community, and thank you for being a vessel of light, when we need it now, more than ever.

Thank you for being on this journey alongside me as we continue to uplift the consciousness through our everyday choices. 

Always, in healing, 
Dr. Arjan

P.S. I just wanted to share something that one of my email recipients sent me. I LOVE hearing from you!

“I have been suffering from swollen legs especially on the left leg and minimal on the right, and I have tried everything even medical assistance… then I got your newsletter and it has helped the circulation…. It’s working! The swelling is going down, and I have removed all dairy from my diet and don’t eat gluten except on special occasions. I use loads of lentils/legumes and beans for meals and try to minimize meat intake… your advice and suggestions truly work… and I want to say thank you. Thank you for all you do! You are wonderful. Yay! Thank You”

– V. C. Roseman

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