Happy September!

Where we are in the US, we’re experiencing cooling temperatures, which makes me soooooo happy! The mornings are just a little bit cooler (I have my cardigan on as I write this), the farmers are bringing in their green chile harvests, and I can leave my windows open for a delicious night sleep.

I know those of you south of the Equator are having a different experience… maybe slightly warmer days are upon you with a bit more sun to bask in?

Wherever you are in the world, the seasons are starting to make their change. 

I just finished a beautifully written novel last night (probably stayed up too late with that, but it was worth it!) where they were commenting on the changing of the seasons. About how March and September are those pivotal months and that when the end of the winter comes, it brings a bit of chaos and unfolding. When the end of summer is upon us, we’ve been boosted with the sunshine and long days to get us through the cold, dark winter months.

Either way, for me, the changing seasons means newness, a time that I intuitively feel, is a good time to renew my commitment to myself. I re-evaluate my life: what’s working and what’s not doing it for me anymore. Do you feel like this?

Have you decided what you’d like to shift in your life? For me, I have a few things. Among them are:

  • checking my phone less
  • getting up earlier
  • shifting my work schedule

My Priorities
I decided to focus on getting up earlier and shifting my work schedule. I’m having to let the phone thing go for now… getting up earlier and changing how I work are uber important. The ‘why’ is super important for me on the getting up earlier. The ‘why’ about my phone isn’t that big of a deal right now AND I need it for work, so that’s my compromise.

My Why
My ‘why’ with getting up earlier is so that I can have a robust morning routine that makes my whole day go so much better ( I mean, I got up a bit earlier today so that I could get this email out to you before I start with my in-office clients, so that’s a great start!). I got out of this habit when I had a big breakdown several years ago and it just worsened with the pandemic and us moving. My whole world turned upside down. 

Now that I’m sleeping better more consistently, I’m finally settled in my new office, and life is generally less chaotic, I can push myself a bit more to make this change to make a hugely positive impact on my life. In the past, I allowed myself the time in the mornings to sleep because that’s what I needed to heal.

How about you? Was there something that was serving you before but isn’t any longer? Are you ready to let that drop from your life?

If so, this is a great time to start!

Always in healing,
Dr. Arjan