I still remember Popeye popping open a can of spinach, his muscles swelling and the renewed vigor to beat up his bully (not that I’m condoning violence to solve our problems….but that WAS my first introduction to spinach).
And while canned spinach is a less-than-inspiring way to consume this uber-healthy vegetable, I do appreciate the impression it made on me, and probably so many of you, who were cartoon watchers as kids.
This week, as myself and many of you look for new and inspiring ways to get more of the good stuff into our bodies and eliminate the trouble makers, I’d also like to invite all of you to look into finding more ways to get more live, whole foods into your life.
One other concept I’d like to encourage you to remember is that food isn’t just there to satiate hunger and emotions…it’s also….what (?!)…..there to nourish and heal your body.
And while you don’t need to go full-on cleansing or vegetarian or keto or paleo or blood-type dieting, do you think you can add a handful of spinach or chard, lettuce or kale, peas or cilantro into your day?
If you’re suffering with pain, inflammation or other fatigue or autoimmune disorders, try food as your medicine. It’s one of the easiest things you can do to shift your health and vitality.
Oh, and remember to buy organic whenever possible…..better taste, better for you and better for the planet.
And lastly, I’ll leave you with a little personal story and the power of food (or the lack of it). Several years ago, when I’d get up from a good night’s sleep, my heels hurt so badly that I hobbled down the hall for about 4-5 minutes before they ‘warmed up’ and I could walk normally again.
At the time, I also had horrendous fatigue and lethargy. After having tried myriads of healers, vitamins, herbs…. you name it, I’d tried it…..I decided to try an elimination diet. To me, that meant (on top of my already meatless diet) no gluten, dairy, sugar.
Within about a week, the pain decreased and within about 2 weeks, the pain completely cleared up, never to return….until now. My diet has been pretty crummy these last few months. I’m back to hobbling around for a few minutes after waking.
So, I’m counting on this week of healthy eating to get me back on track in more ways than one. I’ll keep you posted!

- Try a green smoothie with some chard or spinach….add in some frozen blueberries and strawberries, a squeeze of lemon, chia seeds, and coconut water for an amazing, cooling and invigorating pick-me-up
- Add a handful of greens into your burrito, sandwich or pasta
- Feeling really courageous? Try making a whole salad filled with different kinds of greens….and there are lots of different kinds of lettuce greens….the darker the leaf, the better!
My Challenge to You this week

I’m grateful to be starting a new week with a better way of taking care of myself. I’ve been lapsing these past several months (well, maybe the past year and a half, if I’m really going to be honest here with you).
I’ve been eating at odd and inconsistent times. I’ve not been taking the time to properly prepare meals that nourish myself and my family, regularly.
I’m ready to get back to a routine that supports my body, mind and spirit so that I can live my best life. I wish the same for you and more.
In healing, Dr. Arjan