We’re back to this time of year, friend…..
I can’t even believe it….this year has gone by in a flash…I literally feel like I just set the table for Thanksgiving yesterday.
If you’re not in the US, you’re probably aware that we, in theory, are here honoring a day of thanks, where we come together, in whatever way feels good for our hearts, and take a moment to count our blessings.
This year, I’m making a mission to enjoy the friends, family and experiences that come into my orbit. I’m letting others share in the blessings of creating beautiful food and drink to share. I’m taking the day off today to write to you, walk, get my cooking done, and then enjoy my family coming in from out of town.
I’m NOT over scheduling myself or my family. I’ve been there, done that….for years and years. Does this sound familiar?
I want to really and truly take this time to contemplate what I’m grateful for. I want to silently thank the farmers, who raised this beautiful food. I want to be in a place of gratitude for the beautiful skies, the trees that bring green and shade to my life, and for the freedom that I enjoy.
I’m grateful for YOU…..for us co-creating peace on the planet through our interactions, our treatment time together….that you read these posts and are taking small steps to better your state of being.
What do you feel grateful for this year friend ?
Is it your body and what it does for you all day, every day? Is it your children? Your breath? Your cozy couch? Your partner?
I’d love to hear from you about what it is you’re grateful for.
And while you’re at the gratitude practice, can you join me in taking a few minutes to send that gratitude out to others who may not be able to feel the love in their hearts?
Can you take some quiet time over these next few days and send some good vibes out to the planet?
I think that every being can use some positive juju. The more we radiate gratitude, from the heart, the more healing we send out to the other beings on the planet.
Lastly I wanted to share a wonderful healing prayer of gratitude and healing that I read about, years ago in one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books that someone had gifted me.
I don’t know if there’s a name for this practice but I’ll just dive in here
Lie or sit in a quiet place where you can be with your eyes closed safely for several minutes.
Take a few long, deep breaths, through your nose to center yourself.
Whenever you’re ready, start with your eyes and breathe in, silently saying ‘I breathe in and I notice my eyes’. On the exhale silently say ‘I breathe out and I smile at my eyes’.
I go around all of my face, head, and start moving down my body. Sometimes I don’t have a lot of time to get to my pinky toe, which, is also very important and needs love, so I do get there, sometimes.
This practice helps us give thanks to our very hard-working bodies. They do SO much for us every second of the day. I’ve been spending more time, recently, practicing loving kindness with my body parts and let them know how much I appreciate them.
Check out my latest yoga video on Youtube! Give yourself a pause in your day and enjoy some good self-care
Let’s work together right now! Here’s how:
Herbal Supplements I Trust: I’m here to support you every step of the way towards a healthier, happier you. One of the ways to help you is to get the right supplements. Here are some of the supplements that I recommend. Telehealth Sessions: For a number of reasons, meeting with me online might feel more supportive to you at the moment. My books are currently open for telehealth sessions where I can support you in reading your medical charts, finding solutions to your plaguing health issues, or providing alternative holistic support.
Featured Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Always in healing,
Dr. Arjan