Happy New Year to you!
Somehow those few weeks went really fast and here we are on the other side of things. The good news, and something I have to keep me inspired these next few weeks, while the holidays are behind us and we have a couple months of mucky weather ahead of us, is the challenge I’ve set before myself.
If you’ve been following along with these posts, you’re aware of my no-sugar, dairy, gluten and coffee challenge that I’ve embarked upon and I’ve invited you to join me. You may have decided on your own personal elmination challenge?
I’m so curious to hear from you on what you’re doing. Some folks have shared with me that they’re cutting out sugar. I’ve read that others are choosing an alternative to coffee. Anything you’d like to share?
I wanted to expose my little mess up from yesterday……I was working and I’d had one of those non-stop days. By the end of the day, you know when you’re blood sugar is running low and you’ve been talking and thinking all day? Well I was at that point, so without even thinking, I popped a candy into my mouth.
First off, I RARELY eat candy, so it was funny that I did that. But even moreso at this point, since I’m intentionally NOT eating sugar. I didn’t realize what I’d done until it had finished melting in my mouth. Instead of self-flaggelating, I decided to laugh at the moment.
It was a learning moment for me: to always be mindful and conscious of what I’m putting into my body.
We all have those moments of being on auto-pilot right?
What I’d also like to invite you to try, if you’re feeling like this is something you’d like to lean into, is to make a note to yourself, when you’re eating and drinking, is what you’re taking in and decide what the outcome you’d like for yourself. Having a goal helps make your choices easier.
What are your health goals for this next few weeks? And is it something that you’re planning on incorporating into your life? Or is it just a personal challenge for now?
I’m personally hoping to make this a big part of my lifestyle. I know that I feel way better when I limit sugar, gluten, dairy and sugar.
I know that my thinking is more clear and focused. My skin is less itchy. My nervous system and blood sugar stays more balanced.
Have you noticed any changes yet?
If you’re already in process and you would you like a bit more inspiration? If so……
I’ve launched a few of my classes that just might be the next best thing for you on your health journey!
My newly released ‘Turmeric for Health and Healing’ ebook is back up and available for you for only $4.99! This is a culmination of all the years of research, cooking, anecdotal wisdom that I’ve collected and put into one easy-to-access format for you to enjoy. There are recipes that we use in our home and with our friends. You’ll see how I make paste to use on everything from wounds and cuts to skin lesions for my family, for sleeping, for liver detoxification, for lowering pain and so much more! Turmeric is one of those go-to spices that I’ve been using for the last 20 years and is an essential part of my healing journey personally as well as my patients.
If you’re ready to dive in and have some fun in the kitchen, I now have our recorded, full-length cooking class, along with our ebook full of recipes and wisdom from our collective. Deva and I had a blast cooking from our respective kitchens during the pandemic and you’ll enjoy learning some new vegan, gluten-free and raw desserts that we’ve been enjoying for years.
And lastly, I’m ready to start health coaching again! If you’d like someone to help get you set up for the coming year to either start your health journey or find new ways to approach your health, I’ve got your back! I have a special running now until the end of February and I’d love to be that person for you!
Whatever your budget, time and inspiration is calling you to do, I have tools and services available!
My Challenge to you:

Happy beginning of a New Year, wherever you are in the world. Sending you lots of love and big, warm hugs