This morning, I really really wanted a coffee.
I love the smell of it. I love the ritual of it. I love when my daughter makes it for me. I love that it gets my brain focused and my usually scattered self can have at least one hour of ‘get ‘er done-ness’.
This morning I calculated all that was on my proverbial plate and decided that I wanted to enjoy my ballet class in calm and serenity. And if I have coffee too late in the day, I’ll inevitably will be awoken with a miserable hot flash somewhere in the night.
And because I’ve always dealt with fibrocystic breasts, the coffee tends to cause swelling and itching.
I really want to feel good. I want my body to feel calm. I want my skin to heal. I want to give my adrenals the opportunity to take a rest from the constant barrage of sugar, stress and caffeine hits so that they know how to respond when I really need them, like in times of sudden stress, illness or injury
Soooooo, I decided to start putting into place a practice to help me gear up for what’s lying ahead for the next 40 days. Instead of coffee, I’m having my husband’s curated version of his beloved Indian chai that he grew up with, as a kid going to school in Northern India.
We have this most mornings. We love the ritual of boiling water, adding the chai spices, and then letting the kitchen fill with the aroma of cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, ginger, and cacoa. We add a healthy sweetener and milk, let it boil, and then enjoy a cup as we enter into the day.
Is there anything that you feel like dropping that could enhance your mood? Your vitality? Your sleep? Your sense of calm?
Can you drop something that’s not contributing to your best self and add in something that brings you energy and joy?
You may already know what that is.
Can you give yourself 7, 10, 14, 21 days to give yourself that gift this coming year?
Me and my family will be starting the first day of January. We’d love to do it with you!
Just hop on aboard….no rules ( you make your own), you don’t have to pay anything (just share with us your challenges, pain points, and successes, if you’d like to) there’s not signing up this time around (I’m seriously not techy and can’t get all those things together that I’d really like to for you, though I do have a FREE download for you… see link below) and see what kind of good things you can manifest in your life!
My Challenge to you:

Happy beginning of a New Year, wherever you are in the world. Sending you lots of love and big, warm hugs