Aug 7, 2021 | Blog, Health Tips
School is starting (or has started for some) and that means that we adults get to get our lives back on track and regain some semblance of a routine. I don’t know about you, but my early-to-bed-early-to-rise philosophy has pretty much gone out the window this...
Jan 9, 2021 | Health Tips
Alright….deep breath here. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people laughingly tell me about their ‘Covid-15, Covid-20, Covid-13’ these past several months. And they’re not referring to the virus. They’re referring to...
Nov 14, 2020 | Health Tips, Recipes
I woke up this morning, and in those few minutes between wake and sleep, I had to remind myself that it was Monday. For some reason, I felt so good, thinking it was still Sunday. Not that I’m opposed to a new week…..on the contrary, I’m looking...
Jun 16, 2020 | Health Tips
Just because the world is focused on a virus, doesn’t mean that all of the other health issues we all experience just magically disappear. My neck still tweaks out, my shoulder bothers me, and that darn rib keeps catching my breath at the most inopportune...
Oct 2, 2014 | Health Tips, Recipes
School lunches. It’s that time of year again. Many of us buy school lunches and many of us pack them up for our children to send with them to school. With either of these options, there are many thoughts to consider. You’ve all seen that I’ve sent...