Dr. Arjan’s Resources
Would you like to dive deeper and learn more ways to support you along your health journey?
I’ve been writing and recording videos for over 10 years, as a way for you to expand your knowledge of health and healing. All of these tips are designed for you to implement right at home.
I believe that you are your own best healer and my blog posts will help guide you along, using holistic means.
On the Blog
Stay Positive And Get Adjusted
First thing's first...... I just want to let you know that I love you and appreciate you. Why? Because you're on this planet, sharing this experience with me.And I'm leaning more and more into telling people how I feel about them....even if it seems to come out of...
Feed Forward Activation
Ever wondered why you have muscle weakness or injury with no previous pain? This video explains how Chiropractic adjustments help support your core muscles, thereby strengthening your arm muscles, even WITHOUT having sustained obvious injury.
Symptoms are the Tip of the Iceberg
Have you ever wondered why you're pain free one day and then you lean over to pick up a pencil and your back spasms up? This video explains why a seemingly small movement can create a big problem.