Alright, deeeeeeeeeep breath.
In the US, it’s election week. I know that, even if you’re not here in the US, you’re probably following alongside us, hopefully not holding your breath.
This has been a very high-stress few months for most of us, whether you’re into politics or not. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve had come into the office over the last few weeks saying they can cut the tension with a knife. Whether it’s them feeling overwhelmed and pressured, or they’re feeling a general sense of unease, I think most of us aren’t able to escape the foreboding of what’s going to unfold tomorrow and then the fallout thereafter.
There’s so much unknown right now.
Wherever you are, whether you’re watching all of this from the sidelines or you’ve dove in, head-first, pounding the pavements, writing letters and making phone calls, most of us aren’t escaping the feelings that we’re experiencing.
Last week, I had to make a conscious choice to go deep and get grounded and centered. I decided that, whatever the outcome of the election, it’s my responsibility to myself (first and foremost) and then to those around me, to stay in a place of ease and grace. Me being afraid, angry, worried and resentful isn’t good for my health, it’s not good for the people in my orbit, and it’s not going to change anything at all about the outcome.
This weekend, it came to me that it might be a good idea to share some of the tools I’ve been using to stay centered. At least, maybe this blogpost can be a pause in the midst of chaos and that it may help give you a moment of solace. Whether you take the time to read this with tea in hand and take a moment to reflect , or if you’re able to take a few minutes to practice one of my suggestions, this will hopefully give you the respite you can use now.
Just remember that what happens around you isn’t always something you’ve chosen, but the way you respond IS in your control. The thoughts and videos below can help you feel empowered about how you’re responding to what’s going on around you.
My ‘Survivors Guide to the US Elections’
1. Lose the coffee. Coffee is a huge stimulant and will adrenalize you. Adrenaline is not your friend if you want to stay in a place of calm. Instead, try a calming herbal tea or if you’d like a healthy boost, try chaichailove (it’s what I’m enjoying as I write to you on this rainy Monday morning)
2. Move. Everytime you move, you’re stimulating and circulating your lymphatic system. It also balances your nervous system AND produces dopamine (one of your feel-good juices). So get out to walk, run, play tennis, ski, and dance. If you don’t have time for that right now, try this super easy movement video I made some years ago... still good info. You can even do this in your desk chair!
3. Breathe. Everytime you breathe, long and deeply, you balance your nervous system. When your fight-or-flight system is in balance with your rest-and-digest system, you’re living the dream. A healthy nervous system = less stress.
- I’ve got a very easy-to-follow-do-wherever-you-are breath work video here for you.
- This one is for Dr. Amen’s teaching on breathing and balancing your parasympathetic system.
- This learning video is one I created to help to prevent burnout.
4. Take your vitamins! I can’t tell you how paramount supplements are to stress relief. Your adrenals are most likely on overload, unless you’re growing your own food or purchasing everything directly from a farm, your food is going to be depleted from all of the vitamins and minerals your need to repair and rebuild damaged cells and tissues.
- Adrenal support: your adrenals are affected every time your adrenaline spikes. Think: road rage, crummy boss, screaming kids, mother-in-law, running your business. Too much adrenaline everyday results in depleted cortisol (natural anti-inflammatory), lowered sex hormones, fatigue, increased blood pressure
- B complex: one of the best things you can do to balance your nervous system and alleviate stress
- Magnesium: ditto above. For sleep, nervous system dysregulation and calm. I love the ‘Calm’ powder…..saved my sleep for years!
- Omega 3s: We need these for every. single. function. in our body. I have test kits for checking your Omega 3 levels if you’re interested
you can click this link and get my complete protocol (and you’ll get 15% off all of your orders when you register with Fullscript through my account) for long-term immune boosting.
5. Get some body work. Whether it’s coming to see me for an adjustment and cranial work, going to your favorite massage therapist, or Acupuncturist, this will help get the physical build-up of stress, worry and tension from getting stuck and creating more stress, tension and worry
What are you implementing right now to calm your stress response?
Let me know what your calm of choice is for these next few days….or weeks maybe?
Let’s work together right now! Here’s how:
Herbal Supplements I Trust: I’m here to support you every step of the way towards a healthier, happier you. One of the ways to help you is to get the right supplements. Here are some of the supplements that I recommend. Telehealth Sessions: For a number of reasons, meeting with me online might feel more supportive to you at the moment. My books are currently open for telehealth sessions where I can support you in reading your medical charts, finding solutions to your plaguing health issues, or providing alternative holistic support.
I think it helps to remember that there’s only so much you can do. The BEST thing to do is to dig deep, listen to your own personal truth and to smile.
Be kind to yourself.
Be kind to others.
Remember that everyone is travelling on this path of unknown living and is trying to do their very best. I believe that, when we approach people from that frame…..and to be curious…..we can find ways to be in relationship to others. That means whether we believe the same, or not. I’m a huge environmentalist and vegetarian….and I’ve found that the hunter community has the same love for saving the water and forests that I do!
We all have ways to join together and maybe there are even ways we can work together to collectively create the world that we all want.
That’s my prayer, at least. I invite you to join me in this prayer.

Always in healing,
Dr. Arjan