Food 101

Food 101

Ready for a quick boost in your health?  Start with whole foods In my practice, both locally and when I’m doing phone appointments with people, I emphasize food as one of the best ways to heal. Both what you eat and what you DON’T eat...
Virus-fighting Foods

Virus-fighting Foods

We’ve post-poned our cooking class for now. We’re re-working the format to be able to accommodate more people and their schedules. We’re looking at 2, 3 hour long workshop-style classes, that we’ll be offering, along with our ebook at the end...
Could what your watching be making you sick?

Could what your watching be making you sick?

It doesn’t take a scientific study to showcase the effects of video images on our health. However, I’ll share with you a tidbit from a Psychology Today article that I read on the topic of screen time. While there are both positive and negative influences...
Tips for Healing Shock and Trauma

Tips for Healing Shock and Trauma

I know, I know….it’s been a couple of months since I’ve reached out to you. I’ll tell you why and hope that my experience can help you along your health journey. Over the past 2 decades, I’ve been on a mission to help each of you find the...
Cleaners and Toxins

Cleaners and Toxins

Household cleaners are supposed to clean our sinks, floors,and toilets, right? I thought that using the disinfectants and anti-bacterial cleaners were the best things to use to combat germs and cleanse our home. I came across a mailer just after I’d had my son,...