Aug 26, 2018 | Health Tips
There are good and bad fats. The FDA had proclaimed, back in the ’70’s that people should avoid all fats. The pendulum swung one way, and prudent consumers avoided fat. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way. We are learning...
Aug 11, 2018 | Health Tips
Consider your liver as a big filter for your blood. I tell my patients that it’s like a sieve that the kids use to pour sand into and that catches all of the big particles like rocks and sticks and leaves while the sand pours out the bottom. Think of...
Apr 30, 2018 | Health Tips
This is the second part of these special health tips for women. The Menstrual Cycle (or ‘Moon Cycle’, as they call it in many cultures) is a time of cleansing, clearing, and quiet. Our culture does not give women the space to really nurture and take...
Apr 15, 2018 | Health Tips
I am sending this health tip in two parts because I have a lot to share and don’t want to overwhelm you with everything in one blog. Enjoy! Because we are special creatures with special gifts, I am going to give you these gems given to us by our teacher,...