Kindness Counts

Kindness Counts

So I spent a good chunk of my morning writing up a whole post about the importance of taking a break and taking a nap in the afternoon. It was literally putting me to sleep….a real snoozer of an email…but resulting in the adorable koala napping picture...
Adding Greens Into Diet

Adding Greens Into Diet

I still remember Popeye popping open a can of spinach, his muscles swelling and the renewed vigor to beat up his bully (not that I’m condoning violence to solve our problems….but that WAS my first introduction to spinach).And while canned spinach is a...
Back To School Cleanse

Back To School Cleanse

School is starting (or has started for some) and that means that we adults get to get our lives back on track and regain some semblance of a routine. I don’t know about you, but my early-to-bed-early-to-rise philosophy has pretty much gone out the window this...
Keeping It Positive: The Alchemist

Keeping It Positive: The Alchemist

If you’ve been following along on my journey over this past year, you’ve probably noticed some very big life changes occuring for me. I look a bit different, I see the world a bit differently, I’ve changed living spaces, and I’m taking some...
Wishing A Happy Holiday Season

Wishing A Happy Holiday Season

Winter is one of my favorite times of year. Where I live, it gets cold, but we enjoy sunshine and blue skies, with the occassional snow storm. I love the change of light, the shorter days, the time to get quiet and go deep within. I feel that being in tune with the...
Honoring our Military

Honoring our Military

Today, in America, we honor our veterans. I become very nostalgic on this day, not because I love war or guns, but because I grew up on stories of how people have fought, against all odds, to earn the right to live free from the yoke of tyrrany and oppression.  I read...