Breast Health Awareness

Breast Health Awareness

In America, there is a lot of buzz about October being “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”.  I’m changing that title to “Breast HEALTH Awareness Month”.  Our mind works on what we focus it on. So we’re going to focus here on healthy...
Healthy Digestion

Healthy Digestion

I would say that a good 80% of my clients that I see in my practice have some variation of what I call ‘dysfunctional’ digestion.  This ranges anywhere from Constipation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Acid Reflux.  The list goes on: bloating, gas (upper...
Shopping List to Better Health

Shopping List to Better Health

I have compiled a list here for people who would like to move toward a low inflammatory diet or are just wanting to eat a healthier, more whole foods diet.  This is just a ‘beginning’ list and, by no means, the ‘be all and end all’ of lists of foods.  There are so...
Master Cleanser: Liver Detox

Master Cleanser: Liver Detox

A great way to gently detoxify the body, cools and cleanses the liver and blood.  Lemon has the highest amount of Vitamin C found in nature.  It can help to remove debris from the blood vessels. Blend a quart and ½ of water with a peeled lemon, add 1 tsp maple syrup...