Treats To Cool Off This Summer

Treats To Cool Off This Summer

I loved, loved, loved your responses from my last email. Thank you for sending back the love….I’m starting to see what y’all like, and it’s usually the more personal emails, rather than the ‘this-is-how-you-heal-your-liver’ emails....
Sweet Potato Pie

Sweet Potato Pie

I woke up this morning, and in those few minutes between wake and sleep, I had to remind myself that it was Monday. For some reason, I felt so good, thinking it was still Sunday. Not that I’m opposed to a new week…..on the contrary, I’m looking...
Squash soup for the fall

Squash soup for the fall

As the weather cools down and our bodies need more energy to keep us warm, I love making soups! Not only do we get the added water, but the cooked veggies support our health in so many ways. You can pack so much goodness into your soups! When we eat soup, it creates a...
Turmeric ‘Frappe’

Turmeric ‘Frappe’

These past couple weeks in Mexico have been beyond hot. While things are cooling down in the northern hemisphere, we’re no where near what you’d consider ‘fall’ here. So instead of my traditional healthy, golden milk version of a ‘hot...