Dr. Arjan’s Resources
Would you like to dive deeper and learn more ways to support you along your health journey?
I’ve been writing and recording videos for over 10 years, as a way for you to expand your knowledge of health and healing. All of these tips are designed for you to implement right at home.
I believe that you are your own best healer and my blog posts will help guide you along, using holistic means.
On the Blog
Easing Into The Cold Season
Somehow the colder weather has arrived. I definitely was not prepared for this, but, alas, the leaves are on the ground, my sweaters are back in my closet, and we've got Yogi Tea on the stove.....and, my front desk has informed me that our patients are asking for...
Lower back discomfort? Stretching to alleviate minor pain
I've had soooo many of you asking about what I'd recommend for lower back discomfort, pain running down into the thigh and leg, and hip discomfort. Before I go any further, I have to do my due diligence and say, 'before starting any new exercise routine, consult your...
Keep that Attitude of Gratitude
This week, I'd like to share with the you the concept of 'Gratitude'. This is something I've written about in the past, and I know you may already have some sort of gratitude practice. I'm just bringing it up again, because I see that many people appear to be...