Dr. Arjan’s Resources

Would you like to dive deeper and learn more ways to support you along your health journey?

I’ve been writing and recording videos for over 10 years, as a way for you to expand your knowledge of health and healing. All of these tips are designed for you to implement right at home.

I believe that you are your own best healer and my blog posts will help guide you along, using holistic means.

On the Blog

Foods to help heal your body, mind and spirit

Foods to help heal your body, mind and spirit

My new favorite book I want to share with you…. My friend from Los Angeles turned me onto this book a few months ago, and I finally got to read it this month. Something about Life-Changing Foods is giving me hope in the midst of what seems like a lot of hopelessness around food, health and the bombardment of chemicals and pollution in our environment.

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Watch out for those plastic bottles!

Watch out for those plastic bottles!

I hope this isn't the first time you're hearing about this. If it's old info, I hope that I can just re-inspire you! If it's new to you....please read on and see if there are some changes you can make to improve your health and that of our home planet. I promise I'm...

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How-to Videos

’24 end of year ‘best of’s’

Happy holidays to you, friend..... How are you doing? Really, how ARE you doing? Whether you've got holiday music blasting as you drive to work with reindeer antlers attached to the roof of your car and a wreath wired to the front grill or you're choosing to...

Giving Thanks 2024

We're back to this time of year, friend..... I can't even believe it....this year has gone by in a flash...I literally feel like I just set the table for Thanksgiving yesterday.  If you're not in the US, you're probably aware that we, in theory, are here...

Election Survival Guide

Alright, deeeeeeeeeep breath.  In the US, it's election week. I know that, even if you're not here in the US, you're probably following alongside us, hopefully not holding your breath.  This has been a very high-stress few months for most of us, whether...

You are what you eat

Quick, what did you have for breakfast this morning friend?  Was it something that satisfied your hunger and cravings? Was it something that nourished and vitalized you? Do you feel good about what you ate?  No judgement here, especially because I'm not...

Foot Power

While this week's health tip isn't really ABOUT ballet, I have to give a shout-out to my most amazing teacher Bianca because, little did I know that, when I signed up to take her beginner's adult ballet class in September, that my whole reality was going to change,...

Healing Anxiety

I don't know how you feel, but life. is. stressful.  No matter how much I intentionally try to slow down, keep less off my metaphorical plate, make time for myself, things somehow continue to enter into my days/weeks/months. I'm sure it's the same for you, and I know...

Feeling Burned Out? ‘Tis The Season

How are you doing? Seriously. Close your eyes, get still, and take a review of how your body feels. Start with your head and face, move down to your neck and shoulders/upper back, then your arms, hands, stomach, lower abdomen and onto your thighs, knees and feet....

Health Benefits of Turmeric

I'm rediscovering my old friend. This has been an on-again-off-again companion for me in those times of need....when I have a challenging time falling asleep, or I gash my hand in the garden, or my husband's wrists are inflammed from too many days on the computer.  We...