Dr. Arjan’s Resources
Would you like to dive deeper and learn more ways to support you along your health journey?
I’ve been writing and recording videos for over 10 years, as a way for you to expand your knowledge of health and healing. All of these tips are designed for you to implement right at home.
I believe that you are your own best healer and my blog posts will help guide you along, using holistic means.
On the Blog
Heal Movie
A few years ago, after spending thousands of dollars on healers, supplements, herbs, programs and classes, trying to heal the anxiety and insomnia, I decided that healing, at least in this case, needed to be an insdie job....meaning I realized that it was time for an...
Treats To Cool Off This Summer
I loved, loved, loved your responses from my last email. Thank you for sending back the love....I'm starting to see what y'all like, and it's usually the more personal emails, rather than the 'this-is-how-you-heal-your-liver' emails. I could be wrong on that, but let...
Keep Your Cool!
I don't know about where you're hunkering down this summer, but here in New Mexico, it's roasting. I'm not kidding....it's like the kind of heat where I'm concerned my car tires on the hot asphalt are going to melt. And with the heat, comes tired, cranky people. I...