Heal Movie

Heal Movie

A few years ago, after spending thousands of dollars on healers, supplements, herbs, programs and classes, trying to heal the anxiety and insomnia, I decided that healing, at least in this case, needed to be an insdie job….meaning I realized that it was time for...
Keep Your Cool!

Keep Your Cool!

I don’t know about where you’re hunkering down this summer, but here in New Mexico, it’s roasting. I’m not kidding….it’s like the kind of heat where I’m concerned my car tires on the hot asphalt are going to melt.  And with...
Get Summer 2023 Off To A Fabulous Start

Get Summer 2023 Off To A Fabulous Start

As the school year winds down, graduations abound and the days lengthen, I can’t help but feel nostalgic for those seemingly endless days of summer fun. As a kid, I grew up on the lake and within 7 hours driving distance from the Gulf of Mexico. I was in the...
The Nuts And Bolts Of Anxiety

The Nuts And Bolts Of Anxiety

Let’s talk about the mechanisms of anxiety. I want to share this with you so that you can get a good hold on what’s happening when you or a loved one starts to feel out of control with anxiety symptoms.  I used to think that it as ‘all in my...
To Resist Or Not To Resist?

To Resist Or Not To Resist?

I started an Instagram account last week.  This is my 3rd attempt in 3 years. Every year I try and then drop it. After lots of encouragement from my friends, I decided to take a deep breath and go for it. Social media is tricky for me, as I know it is for most of you....