Jan 12, 2024 | Health Tips, How to Videos
While this week’s health tip isn’t really ABOUT ballet, I have to give a shout-out to my most amazing teacher Bianca because, little did I know that, when I signed up to take her beginner’s adult ballet class in September, that my whole reality was...
Aug 24, 2021 | Blog, Focus on Positive Thinking
So I spent a good chunk of my morning writing up a whole post about the importance of taking a break and taking a nap in the afternoon. It was literally putting me to sleep….a real snoozer of an email…but resulting in the adorable koala napping picture...
Aug 17, 2021 | Blog, Health Tips
I still remember Popeye popping open a can of spinach, his muscles swelling and the renewed vigor to beat up his bully (not that I’m condoning violence to solve our problems….but that WAS my first introduction to spinach).And while canned spinach is a...
Aug 10, 2021 | Chiropractic Educational Videos
I love to move. I love to bike, swim, walk, run, lift weights, paddle board, do yoga, surf, water ski, dance, play frisbee and tennis, downhill ski.Movement gives me life.It’s better than coffee.Better than drugs.Better than shopping (almost).Movement is life....