May 19, 2020 | Health Tips
Ready for a quick boost in your health? Start with whole foods In my practice, both locally and when I’m doing phone appointments with people, I emphasize food as one of the best ways to heal. Both what you eat and what you DON’T eat...
May 10, 2020 | Health Tips, Recipes
We’ve post-poned our cooking class for now. We’re re-working the format to be able to accommodate more people and their schedules. We’re looking at 2, 3 hour long workshop-style classes, that we’ll be offering, along with our ebook at the end...
Mar 20, 2019 | Health Tips
It doesn’t take a scientific study to showcase the effects of video images on our health. However, I’ll share with you a tidbit from a Psychology Today article that I read on the topic of screen time. While there are both positive and negative influences...
Feb 20, 2019 | Health Tips
I know, I know….it’s been a couple of months since I’ve reached out to you. I’ll tell you why and hope that my experience can help you along your health journey. Over the past 2 decades, I’ve been on a mission to help each of you find the...
Sep 11, 2018 | Health Tips
Household cleaners are supposed to clean our sinks, floors,and toilets, right? I thought that using the disinfectants and anti-bacterial cleaners were the best things to use to combat germs and cleanse our home. I came across a mailer just after I’d had my son,...