How to Make Flax Seed Crackers

A simple recipe that even the ‘beginners’ to health food and anti-inflammatory lifestyle and diet can make.  No special kitchen gadgets to make these! Recipe: 2 cups whole flax seeds 3 cups water 1 tsp salt 1/4 c. chopped green chiles 1/4 c. bell pepper...

Delicious Nut Milk Flax Seed Smoothie

Smoothie with nut milk and flax: use easy-to -get ingredients to make a healthy, high fiber, anti-inflammatory smoothie that will help start your day right. Recipe: 1/4 c. raw almonds, cashews, or Brazil nuts 2-3 c water (depending on how thick  you would like your...

Simple Flax Seed Cookies / Macaroons

Simple ingredients, simple prep for making healthy, delicious cookies! Recipe: 1 c ground flax seeds 1 c almond flour pinch of salt 1/2 c maple syrup 1/4 c water (add more water if needed to make a stickier consistency) Line cookie tray with parchment paper.  Oil your...
Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Continuing on with our health journey this week with a focus on healthy joints, hands, and wrist here. This is just such a gem. I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see this. I’ve been reading an old book that a patient gave to me a couple of years ago...