Mar 2, 2016 | How to Videos
This is a recording from a live Periscope class with Dr. Japa. It was a lot of fun, and we’re inspired to find a way that we can start bringing you live weekly yoga classes…. stay tuned. For now, I have last night’s class available here for you to...
Feb 5, 2016 | Focus on Positive Thinking, Health Tips
First off, This morning I recorded a special “Jump-Start Your Morning” video for you to enjoy. I woke up this morning feeling on fire with excitement and I had my husband grab the video camera to capture that excitement to share with you. I hope it...
Oct 27, 2015 | Health Tips
Happy day everyone! Sending you all cyber hugs. Today is going to be a really simple, easy post, as I know that ALL of you are still out there working on all of the action items from last week’s post about healthy breasts. I have a short video for you to get you...
Sep 13, 2010 | Health Tips
How often do you hear your alarm in the morning; turn on the bedside light; and jump straight out of bed? This is very hard on our Nervous System and adrenals. An alternative to waking up is this: Light & Your Eyes – Before turning on the light,...