Dr. Arjan’s Resources
Would you like to dive deeper and learn more ways to support you along your health journey?
I’ve been writing and recording videos for over 10 years, as a way for you to expand your knowledge of health and healing. All of these tips are designed for you to implement right at home.
I believe that you are your own best healer and my blog posts will help guide you along, using holistic means.
On the Blog
Herbal tea for summer and calm
It's been HOT here in New Mexico. Up until about 2 weeks ago, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that the rain gods had forgotten about us out here. I've got a few tips for you to stay cool, not only in body, but in mind and spirit, as well. Because, as you all...
During These Times, Remember To….
Whew....crazy times we're living in! I hope you're able to keep your center during this time, so as to navigate life with as much grace as possible. I've had the idea of what I've wanted to share for a couple of weeks, so I've actually been working on...
Pain Doesn’t Stop Just Because There’s A Pandemic
Just because the world is focused on a virus, doesn't mean that all of the other health issues we all experience just magically disappear. My neck still tweaks out, my shoulder bothers me, and that darn rib keeps catching my breath at the most inopportune times. ...